Coupon Management

Coupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers, and can help promote sales across your shop.

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Order Tracking Management

To manage customer order's status, you have to add custom order notes with json formate.

Add all order notes with "Note to customer" option.

For Example: If order is processing then add order notes with "Note to customer" option.

"message":"Your order has been accepted. Seller has processed your order."

For Pending payment:

"status":"Pending payment",
"message":"Order received, no payment initiated. Awaiting payment (unpaid)."

For Failed:

"message":"Your order has been failed due to some of the reason."

For Completed:

"message":"Your order has been completed."

For Shipped:

"message":"Your order has been Shipped via Ekart Logistics. \n\nEkart Logistics - FMB89746655"

For On hold:

"status":"On hold",
"message":"Your order has been hold due to some of the reason."

For Canceled:

"message":"Your order has been Canceled."